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Speaker: Mark Horvat

Sermon Date: 24th October 2021

If you feel like you’re repeating patterns of the past that just won’t break, then watch this sermon replay as we continue to look at generational curses and how they can keep us stuck in cycles no matter how much we try to change.

We also be look at curses in general and specifically focus on the mind and how curses can impact your thought patterns and mental warfare.

Curses are a way the enemy can keep a stronghold over you and your loved ones.  Often we can accept this as just part of who we are… but the good news is, God wants to break you free!  This sermon will show you how God’s power can overcome generational sickness, poverty, disfunction and cyclical patterns of the past.  We have the authority through Jesus to do this!  Amen.

Click on the video below to watch the replay >>>

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