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Power Of The Word

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

The Word Of God is full of mysteries that we are still understanding.  Written through the supernatural hand of God it holds the keys to transformation as we actively live through the word. 

The Power Of Deliverance

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

We are living in a time of immense spiritual warfare, where people are needing to be set free from evil spirits. Sadly, even in the church people are coming up against religious spirits, divisive spirits, new age spirits and more. However, God has given us the power of deliverance to take authority over the enemy and be set free from the things that Satan would have hold us back.

Heavenly Levels Of Authority

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

This Sunday we'll be studying what the word says about God's levels of authority and power in Christ.

Healing From Chronic Illness

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

Chronic illness is on the rise and people are dealing with more and more symptoms of sickness than ever before. Some are mildly disruptive and others can destroy lives. As Christians we know that sickness is not God's will for us. So how do we break free from sickness and disease so we can live the life of health that God planned for us right from the beginning of creation?
In this special ministry event, we're going to be looking at the wisdom and provisions of health in both the physical and the spiritual that God has provided so we can take back our health.
Join us for this live Zoom event which will include a time of prayer and deliverance for healing.

Heaven On Earth

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

In the book of Luke, Jesus tells us that "The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you" (Luke 10:9). In this Sunday's word we're going to look at what it truly means that we can live in heaven on earth and how accessing the supernatural of heaven, here on earth can transform every part of our life.

The Power Of The Cross

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

God’s word is full of wisdom around the mysteries of the cross and the power that Jesus’ death has given us. As disciples of Christ we need to ask ourselves, are we really stepping in to the full power and authority that we have through his death?

Decoding The Bible

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

Did you know that there are fingerprints from the Holy Spirit throughout the entire Bible that when decoded, point every book of the Bible to Jesus!
During this sermon, we'll discuss:
Verifying the authenticity of the Bible through Holy Spirit led fingerprints
How the Bible reveals that the Lord our God is in a dimension outside “time and space”
How the Old Testament accurately predicts Jesus birth and death
How every single book in the Bible points to Jesus!

The End Church

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.
Matthew 16:18

GENESIS – In The Beginning

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

To understand the future, we must understand the past.
In this sermon we unpacked the power of Genesis. From the power of the spoken word to the nature of man when God created Adam.

Global Prophetic Update – June 2023

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

In this global prophetic update we share what’s going on in the world and how this fits in to what God is telling us, including important prophetic warnings and and insights to live in victory and peace during this turbulent time.

Humility & The Anointing

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

The word "Humble" appears 81 times in the Bible starting in Genesis all the way through to Revelations. From the beginning to the end God speaks to us about the importance of humility and the rewards it brings as a Christian. Only by being less full of ourselves can we be more full of God.

The Companion – Holy Spirit

Zoom Online Meetings From your computer, Global Access, NY

The Holy Spirit is there to be our helper and our best friend.  He is the ultimate companion that Jesus left us with until his return.

Join us for this message as we see what God has to say about this precious gift he's given us and how we can be living in unison with this companion we've been given.

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