Hosts: Mark Horvat, Samantha Horvat Guest Ministers: Ps Duncan Graham, John Gallagher, David Castle Live Worship: TBC FIRE NIGHT DATE: 10th December 2023 Join us for our FIRE NIGHT replay and our last ministry event of the year as…
Speaker: Ps Duncan Graham Sermon Date: 19th Nov, 2023 Gratitude has the power to shift atmospheres and God’s word tells us that His will for us to give thanks in EVERYTHING! In this week’s sermon…
Speakers: Ps Mark Horvat Sermon Date: 23rd July, 2023 Join us for Part Two in our series on Breaking Witchcraft. In this replay we continue on the topic of identifying and breaking witchcraft in the…
Speakers: Ps Mark Horvat and Samantha Horvat Sermon Date: 16th July, 2023 Witchcraft is a hot topic right now and for good reason. As the Bible warned us, we’re in a time of great deception…
Speaker: Mark Horvat Sermon Date: Sunday 26th March 2023 Join us for this study on what the word teaches us about our levels of authority and power in Christ. Click the video below to watch…
Speaker: Mark Horvat Sermon Date: Sunday 19th March 2023 We are living in a time of immense spiritual warfare, where people are needing to be set free from evil spirits. Sadly, even in the church…
Speaker: Mark Horvat
Sermon Date: 11th September 2022
“And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force” Matthew 11:12
An essential part of spiritual warfare…
FIRE NIGHT is back and we're so excited to share this time with you! For those of you who have joined us before, you'll know this is a night dedicated to pure prophecy, prayer, deliverance…
Speaker: Mark Horvat
Sermon Date: Sunday 3rd April 2022
"For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and…
Speaker: Mark Horvat Sermon Date: 16th Jan, 2022 Dear family, Let's start the new year with a decleration of victory in the Lord for what God has planned for 2022. Many prophets have been seeing…